The concept of ‘Seed of Knowledge’ describes a multi-layered, comprehensive culture that transcends traditional approaches, reflects its ideals, encourages continuous learning, reshapes the business landscape, and integrates with the technologies of the future and the skill sets needed.
… TOHUM takes care to adhere to its sensitive values while choosing its customers, in order not to compromise on the high standards it has adopted in its services or products . With an ideal definition, TOHUM, without ignoring the realities of the world and markets it is in, and giving due importance to the human factor; It is a formation that is in a continuous learning process like a living-breathing multicellular organism , constantly improving itself in order to reveal its existence and produce values …
Main Areas of Activity

The most advanced solutions for the successful execution of processes ...
In times of worldwide or geography-specific uncertainty, governments and their subordinate administrations require specialized expert support capabilities to sustain or facilitate their critical activities...
Fast, flexible and effective methods customized to needs.
Strategies that shape the future by boosting competitive advantage ...
Due to the ever-increasing global demand for resources, more and more commercial institutions are being forced to enter emerging markets that are unstable and high-risk due to high levels of crime or terrorist activity, or weak legal regulations...
Efficiency and quality focused creative ideas.

Core Sectors
“In TOHUM culture, ‘success’ is not a coincidence. It means working hard, being disciplined, showing patience, studying, reading, learning, making sacrifices and above all; loving what you do or learn to do …”

Strengths of TOHUM

TOHUM is not only a company, but also the bearer of an ideal. Their meticulous work during the establishment process and the dedication they have shown in this process are admirable. TOHUM ‘s goals herald the beginning of a new era in the industries they are involved in. We heartily congratulate the TOHUM team for these important steps that will contribute to the future of humanity and look forward to their future successes.

I am very happy to see that it is not far away to take root under the roof of TOHUM, which is a candidate to be a great source of inspiration for other players in the real estate sector with their command of technology and successful communication.

Being TOHUM ‘s solution partner and moving forward together on challenging roads adds strength to us, it is a great source of pride and inspiration for us to be able to move forward together with this company that pioneers the progress of our Turkey.

Although its name is TOHUM (SEED), its roots are actually a great plane tree, each of which has colleagues who are competent in their fields at the highest level. I wish success to this valuable friend whose humility comes from deeply believing in ethical values and I would like to express that I am honored to be with him.

We are glad to be with TOHUM, which we are sure will accomplish excellent works with a deep coverage after a long preparation process, under the title of “security”. The fact that expert staff in the field have come together should be a sign of TOHUM ‘s inevitable success.

This point, which has been reached as a result of long work and efforts, will hopefully grow much more and be full of success.

TOHUM ‘s farsighted goals for the future and their undaunted progress towards these goals for many years, despite all adverse conditions, bring a breath of fresh air to the industries in which they operate. Their flexible and solution-oriented approach, their competent knowledge and skills, and their ability to generate ideas beyond borders in the face of problems are the main strong factors that make them a reliable solution partner you will want to have by your side.

Approaching each sector with a unique perspective, developing extraordinary ideas and the success of the solutions they produce are the elements that most clearly reveal the difference of TOHUM. The most important factor of this difference is the leader of the company and the group’s management team. Even when working together with business partners, you witness a deep experience that breaks ground, guides and reinforces successes in every field. It is as if the possibilities have been delicately programmed to be perfect.

We firmly believe that TOHUM, with its potential and energy, will open an innovative, progressive and trailblazing page in the fields of agriculture and biotechnology, as in many other fields. Therefore, we are happy to have the chance to work together.

TOHUM is not only a company, but also the bearer of an ideal. Their meticulous work during the establishment process and the dedication they have shown in this process are admirable. TOHUM ‘s goals herald the beginning of a new era in the industries they are involved in. We heartily congratulate the TOHUM team for these important steps that will contribute to the future of humanity and look forward to their future successes.

I am very happy to see that it is not far away to take root under the roof of TOHUM, which is a candidate to be a great source of inspiration for other players in the real estate sector with their command of technology and successful communication.

Being TOHUM ‘s solution partner and moving forward together on challenging roads adds strength to us, it is a great source of pride and inspiration for us to be able to move forward together with this company that pioneers the progress of our Turkey.

Although its name is TOHUM (SEED), its roots are actually a great plane tree, each of which has colleagues who are competent in their fields at the highest level. I wish success to this valuable friend whose humility comes from deeply believing in ethical values and I would like to express that I am honored to be with him.

We are glad to be with TOHUM, which we are sure will accomplish excellent works with a deep coverage after a long preparation process, under the title of “security”. The fact that expert staff in the field have come together should be a sign of TOHUM ‘s inevitable success.

This point, which has been reached as a result of long work and efforts, will hopefully grow much more and be full of success.

TOHUM ‘s farsighted goals for the future and their undaunted progress towards these goals for many years, despite all adverse conditions, bring a breath of fresh air to the industries in which they operate. Their flexible and solution-oriented approach, their competent knowledge and skills, and their ability to generate ideas beyond borders in the face of problems are the main strong factors that make them a reliable solution partner you will want to have by your side.

Approaching each sector with a unique perspective, developing extraordinary ideas and the success of the solutions they produce are the elements that most clearly reveal the difference of TOHUM. The most important factor of this difference is the leader of the company and the group’s management team. Even when working together with business partners, you witness a deep experience that breaks ground, guides and reinforces successes in every field. It is as if the possibilities have been delicately programmed to be perfect.

We firmly believe that TOHUM, with its potential and energy, will open an innovative, progressive and trailblazing page in the fields of agriculture and biotechnology, as in many other fields. Therefore, we are happy to have the chance to work together.
We are determinedefficientproductivesuccessfuleffectivestrong together ...

Everyone has access to information; TOHUM knows how to analyze it better.
Build your goals with strong foundations to take
part in a sustainable future shaped with confidence!
Everyone has access to information;
TOHUM knows how to analyze it better.
Build your goals with strong foundations to take part in a sustainable future shaped with confidence!

To honor the members of TOHUM who became a torch of the eternal flame to protect the nation, nature and living creatures in order to create a livable future and the unsung heroes who have ascended to the sky and turned into stars on the path to full independence ...
S. Erbil Sezer