We have sworn that we will continue on the path you have led, to the goals you have shown; without faltering, without getting tired, without being deceived, without giving up, relentlessly and without ever stopping!
TOHUM, which sees strengthening the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Turkey as its main task, is the main structure in all sectors, especially defense and security, in which it is involved in international markets, for its participants or stakeholders such as engineering, research and development, knowledge transfer, human capital, industry, innovative technology. supports the long-term development of the means of production. Acting with the belief that every human being has the right to have a safe and happy childhood, regardless of where they live, their basic human needs are met, TOHUM aims to fulfill its duties; operates in three main areas: research and development-oriented engineering, defense and security, and strategic procurement services.
It brings together the best of knowledge, resources, talent and manpower to create complete integrated risk management and human solutions wherever TOHUM services are needed. To those who need TOHUM services, their customers, participants or stakeholders; With its highly educated, competent, impact-oriented professionals within its structure, it provides guidance in various environments and under all conditions, and leads them to success.